Vacation Rentals & Short-Term Stays
Come Visit Granite Shoals and getaway from the big city life for a weekend or more in one of the many premier rental properties listed below.
While you won't find any big fancy hotels in Granite Shoals, you will find some amazing properties available for your getaways.

Collapsible text is perfect for longer content like paragraphs and descriptions. It’s a great way to give people more information while keeping your layout clean. Link your text to anything, including an external website or a different page. You can set your text box to expand and collapse when people click, so they can read more or less info.
Collapsible text is perfect for longer content like paragraphs and descriptions. It’s a great way to give people more information while keeping your layout clean. Link your text to anything, including an external website or a different page. You can set your text box to expand and collapse when people click, so they can read more or less info.
Collapsible text is perfect for longer content like paragraphs and descriptions. It’s a great way to give people more information while keeping your layout clean. Link your text to anything, including an external website or a different page. You can set your text box to expand and collapse when people click, so they can read more or less info.
Click the images below to see all the details, rates, and availability on the properties you are interested in renting. Thank you for supporting our homeowners.